Since 2007, Folds of Honor, inspired by Lt Col Dan Rooney’s poignant experience upon witnessing the homecoming of Corporal Brock Bucklin’s remains, has dedicated itself to supporting the families of fallen or disabled American military members and, more recently, first responders. This initiative, fueled by Lt Col Rooney’s resolve to transform grief into hope, grants life-changing scholarships to the spouses and children of those who sacrificed their lives or health in service. Folds of Honor stands as a testament to a collective commitment to ensuring that the guardians of American freedoms and their families are never forgotten, striving to provide educational opportunities and a brighter future for their loved ones.
Covered Bridge & Champions Pointe
In 2023, Covered Bridge and Champions Pointe Golf Clubs proudly hosted their inaugural Folds of Honor Charity Weekend, raising $10,000 for educational scholarships. Now, we’re gearing up for our 2nd Annual events in 2024.
Covered Bridge
This Memorial Day weekend, Folds of Honor items, including shirts and hats, will be given away. All donations of $25 or more will be eligible for a special drawing. Additionally, there is an opportunity to sponsor and personalize an American flag, with all proceeds benefiting Folds of Honor. The golf operations team will be stationed at the 1st tee to collect donations, and contributions will also be accepted inside the shop.
Champions Pointe
This Labor Day weekend in 2024, Champions Pointe is excited to announce the upcoming 2nd Annual Folds of Honor Charity Tournament. Details are still being finalized, anticipation for this event is already building. Further details about the 2024 event will be shared as they become available, promising an even greater opportunity for community involvement and support.